March 1, 2024

EFM R&D at Demo Day hosted by StartSmart CEE

On February 14, Miłosz Jamroży Jamrozy, CEO of EFM, had the extreme pleasure of pitching our company in front of an audience of mentors, business leaders and the startup community 💎

It is a great honor for EFM R&D to be in the Top 10 startups from nearly 200 innovative companies from across the world 👍

Congratulations and greetings to all companies: URVIS.BIKE, ARPLATFORM, Seafoo P.S.A., Lita Health, ARIBO, iYoni App, Atmesys, elerGreen Industry, WeavAir, CloEE, Magnomer.
March 29, 2024
EFM announces it has received Intention to Grant a European patent from the European Patent Office covering the Mudisocard system. This is the second major milestone this month. Few days ago EFM has received the Management System as per “PN-EN ISO 13485:2016-04 Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes” awarded by TUV NORD Polska. Mudisocard covers full dynamics of the heart including: the heart contraction excitation (ECG), parameters on how the contraction develops (auscultation) and what is contraction effect, i.e. how the chest fluids move (bioimpedance). In between the heartbeats, the device detects air movements in the human chest. The airflow generates changes in bioimpedance and creates sounds detected by auscultation. Mudisocard has the unique potential to become, in its further development, a foundation for innovative future diagnostic methods.
By Aleksander Cudny March 21, 2024
W ubiegłym tygodniu mieliśmy ogromną przyjemność uczestniczyć w Dniu Inwestora podczas Deep Tech CEE Summit & Challenge. W ciągu dwóch dni odbyliśmy szereg wnikliwych spotkań i angażujących dyskusji. Dziękujemy za każde spotkanie! To był pierwszy raz, kiedy mogliśmy publicznie zademonstrować funkcjonalny prototyp naszego urządzenia Mudisocard. Do zobaczenia na kolejnym wydarzeniu!
By Kamil Majcher March 21, 2024
We are excited to announce that EFM has received the Management System as per “PN-EN ISO 13485:2016-04 Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes” awarded by TUV NORD Polska. This is another significant step towards the commercialisation of our Mudisocard system. Mudisocard covers full dynamics of the heart including: the heart contraction excitation (ECG), parameters on how the contraction develops (auscultation) and what is contraction effect, i.e. how the chest fluids move (bioimpedance). In between the heartbeats, the device detects air movements in the human chest. The airflow generates changes in bioimpedance and creates sounds detected by auscultation. Mudisocard has the unique potential to become, in its further development, a foundation for innovative future diagnostic methods.
By Aleksander Cudny February 12, 2024
We are happy to share the latest article from the Puls Biznesu, featuring an interview with Miłosz Jamroży, CEO of EFM. Key highlights from the article: ☑ EFM is developing a device that can measure the heart in three dimensions, not just in a plane as in a classic ECG. ☑EFM already has a prototype of the diagnostic device, has submitted patent applications in Poland and key foreign markets, and has signed an agreement with a CRO, as well as with the National Institute of Cardiology in Anin, where it is to pilot test its system. ☑ EFM plan to raise capital to realize upcoming milestones. We are considering various financing options, including venture capital. In the longer term, EFM also does not rule out an IPO Check out the full interview:
By Aleksander Cudny February 12, 2024
A moment instead of many visits to doctors. EFM R&D device will accurately diagnose the heart. Please read the interesting article in Rzeczpospolita newspaper about our company. In just over a year of operation, we have successfully developed a functional Mudisocard prototype and submitted patent applications in the EU, US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. - In addition, we have implemented a quality management system that has passed a Tuv Nord audit. We have established cooperation with a global CRO company and the Institute of Cardiology in Anin, we have developed regulatory strategies in the EU and the US, and we have submitted an application in the PARP grant competition- said Miłosz Jamroży, CEO of EFM. - In the next step, we want to refine the prototype and start larger-scale production. We will also develop algorithms to analyse the test results - said Miłosz Jamroży. Read more:
By Aleksander Cudny February 12, 2024
Last week we had the great pleasure of participating in the Investor Day at the Deep Tech CEE Summit & Challenge During two days we had a number of insightful meetings and engaging discussions. Thank you for every meeting! This was the first time we were able to present a functional prototype of our Mudisocard device to a public audience. See you at the next event!
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